

Committed to environmental protection on Earth and sustainable use of space

We promote resource efficiency in the design and manufacture of our products and take measures to prevent adverse impacts on the environment. Our commitment to decarbonization and zero space debris contributes to the long-term sustainability of space initiatives.

Key topics and targets

Climate change mitigation

We contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation through our business activities and by taking measures to minimize our carbon footprint. We aim to establish a pathway to net zero in alignment to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

  • Long-term target:

    Zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050 at the latest.
  • Target 2024:
    Calculate ICEYE’s carbon footprint (scopes 1, 2 and 3) and establish a pathway to net zero.

Prevention of space debris and pollution

We take measures to prevent pollution from our manufacturing activities by following all applicable laws and regulations and seeking to replace harmful substances with less harmful ones. We avoid generating space debris through active collision avoidance and de-orbiting our satellites at the end of the missions.

  • Long-term target:

    Minimize the risk of space debris and harmful impacts on the environment on Earth from our operations and manufacturing activities.
  • Target 2024:
    Identify environmental risks in our operations.

Resource and material efficiency

We consider resource efficiency in all our operations and strive to minimize the environmental impacts of our products throughout their lifecycle. We take measures to conserve energy and natural resources, reduce waste, and reuse and recycle materials in our manufacturing processes.

  • Long-term target:

    Enhance resource and material efficiency in our operations.
  • Target 2024:
    Improve waste management in ICEYE facilities globally.

ICEYE’s environmental principles

Considering environmental impacts in our operations and value chain


Managing environmental impacts

We comply with all relevant laws and regulations on environmental protection and internationally agreed principles on sustainable use of space.

We take measures and constantly develop our operations to prevent adverse impacts on the environment caused by our business activities.


Continuously improving our performance

We set targets to improve our environmental performance continuously, and regularly follow our progress against the targets.

We disclose information about our products and operations' impacts on the environment, as well as our policies, targets, and actions to prevent and mitigate such impacts.


Engaging with our stakeholders

We engage with our business partners and other stakeholders to identify and minimize harmful impacts throughout the value chain. We expect our suppliers to track and mitigate such impacts in their operations and business relationships.

We engage in industry-wide initiatives to share best practices about environmental protection and the sustainable use of space.

Related materials


ICEYE’s commitment to the Statement for a Responsible Space Sector


ICEYE's commitment to the Space Sustainability Principles of the Earth-Space Sustainability Initiative (ESSI)


Partnership with WWF Finland and the Global Arctic Programme


ICEYE’s commitment to The Zero Debris Charter

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