

Committed to responsible business conduct

We are committed to conducting our business ethically and following all applicable laws and regulations. The ICEYE Code of Conduct defines the framework for proper behavior for our employees and business partners, promoting high ethical standards throughout our operations and value chain.

Key topics and targets

Ethical business practices and compliance

We are committed to conducting our business ethically and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. The ICEYE Code of Conduct defines the framework for proper behavior for our employees and business partners and promotes high ethical standards throughout the value chain. All reported cases of non-compliance will be investigated, and corrective actions will be taken as required.

  • Long-term target:
    Increase employee awareness of ethical business practices and ensure compliance with the ICEYE Code of Conduct.
  • Target in 2024:
    Achieve a 100% completion rate in the Code of Conduct training.

Responsible and ethical use of ICEYE products

ICEYE complies with all relevant export control laws and regulations, and will not engage in any business with individuals or entities subject to international sanctions. We expect our business partners to commit to the ethical standards outlined in our Code of Conduct, including internationally recognized human rights and principles on environmental protection.

  • Long-term target:
    Ensure the responsible and ethical use of ICEYE products.
  • Target in 2024:
    Assess human rights and environmental impacts of our business operations.

Supply chain management

We work closely with our suppliers and business partners to ensure sustainable practices throughout the value chain. The ICEYE Supplier Code of Conduct sets the minimum requirements for our suppliers regarding regulatory compliance, ethical business conduct, and sustainability. We expect all our suppliers to adhere to these principles.

  • Long-term target:
    Improve supply chain sustainability and transparency.
  • Target in 2024:
    Include the Supplier Code of Conduct in all major supplier contracts.

ICEYE Whistleblowing Service – committed to doing what is right

ICEYE strives to maintain a transparent business climate and high business ethics. We value the safety and respect of everyone affected by our business.

Our whistleblowing service is an early warning system to reduce risks. It is an important tool to foster high ethical standards and to maintain employee, customer and public confidence in us.

The whistleblowing service can be used to alert us about serious risks of wrongdoing affecting people, our organisation, society, or the environment.

The privacy policy for the whistleblowing service can be found here.

External certifications

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ISO/IEC 27001:2013

ICEYE is ISO 27001:2013 certified. This is the highest level of global information security assurance available today. Our certification provides customer assurance that ICEYE meets stringent international standards on security.

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ISO 9001:2015

ICEYE is ISO 9001:2015 certified. ISO 9001 is the world's most recognized quality management system standard. This certification provides customer assurance that ICEYE has a systematic way to meet complex customer requirements and regulatory obligations through the development of consistent products and services.

Related materials


ICEYE Code of Conduct


ICEYE Supplier Code of Conduct


Commitment to the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact

Find out how ICEYE can become your global source of truth.