

Committed to social responsibility and equal treatment of people

We are committed to respecting internationally recognized human rights and promoting the fair treatment of people in our operations and across our value chain. One of our core values is offering an inspiring and safe working environment where everyone can thrive.

Key topics and targets

Human rights and responsible employment practices

We take action to ensure responsible employment practices and to develop our operations in alignment with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We also expect our business partners to respect human rights and to prevent any form of modern slavery in their operations.

  • Long-term target:
    Ensure the realization of human and employee rights in our operations and value chain.
  • Target 2024:
    Train people managers in responsible management practices

Health and safety

With the wellbeing of our employees as a priority, we take active measures to ensure safe working conditions and continuously develop our operations to prevent and mitigate any risks to people’s health and safety.

  • Long-term targets:
    Ensure safe working conditions and employee wellbeing.
  • Target 2024:
    Zero lost-time accidents.

Diversity and equal opportunities

We offer an inspiring working environment where everyone feels welcome and can thrive at the highest level. We embrace diversity, with ICEYErs representing over 60 different nationalities, and maintain zero tolerance for any form of discrimination.

  • Long-term target:
    Ensure an inclusive work environment that has zero tolerance for discrimination.
  • Target 2024:
    Train people managers in performance management practices and in recognizing unconscious bias.

Community support

We engage in initiatives that support local communities and advance the preservation of our unique natural environment. With our SAR data, we enhance the resilience of the most vulnerable communities in the face of natural catastrophes and environmental disasters.

  • Long-term target:
    Support local communities with collaborative efforts and voluntary initiatives.
  • Target 2024:
    Establish guidelines for employee volunteering.

Related materials


Working at ICEYE


ICEYE Code of Conduct


Modern slavery act transparency statement

Find out how ICEYE can become your global source of truth.