
ICEYE's environmental principles

Last update: 12 June 2024

General approach

  • We comply with all relevant laws and regulations on environmental protection and internationally agreed principles on sustainable use of space.
  • We take measures and constantly develop our operations to prevent adverse impacts on the environment and consider environmental aspects in all relevant policies and processes.
  • We set targets to continuously improve our environmental performance in key areas, and regularly follow our progress against the targets. We review the targets annually and
    communicate them to our employees, customers, investors, and other relevant stakeholders.
  • We disclose information about the actual and potential impacts that our products and operations have or may have on the environment, as well as our policies, targets, and actions to prevent and mitigate such impacts.

Climate change and energy

  • We take measures to conserve energy and to maximize the share of renewable energy in our overall energy consumption.
  • We measure greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated in our operations and value chain and set reduction targets aligned with the global goal of limiting the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.

Resource efficiency

  • We consider resource efficiency in our operations and in the manufacture of our products and take measures to conserve energy and natural resources.
  • We seek to minimize the environmental impacts of our products throughout their lifecycle, including design, manufacture, operational phases, and disposal.
  • We responsibly dispose of waste following all applicable laws and regulations and take measures to reduce waste and recycle and reuse materials where possible.

Prevention of pollution and space debris

  • We are committed to generating zero space debris and take measures to mitigate the risk of collisions and break-ups in space.
  • We take measures to prevent pollution from our operations and responsibly use harmful substances to prevent adverse impacts on people and the environment, seeking to replace them with less harmful alternatives.

Stakeholder engagement

  • We provide our employees with information and training to increase their awareness of environmentally sustainable action.
  • We engage with our business partners and other stakeholders to identify and minimize harmful impacts throughout the value chain. We expect our suppliers to track and mitigate such impacts in their operations and business relationships.
  • We engage in industry-wide initiatives to share best practices about environmental protection and to promote the sustainable use of space.