Download SAR datasets

Example SAR data from ICEYE


Port of Rotterdam, the Netherlands

The dataset includes an ICEYE Dwell Precise image of the Port of Rotterdam, the Netherlands, including SAR video and CSI format files.


Houston, USA

The dataset includes an ICEYE Dwell Precise image of Houston, USA, including SAR video and CSI format files.


Doha International Airport, Qatar

The dataset includes an ICEYE Dwell Fine image of the Doha International Airport, Qatar, region, taken on April 29, 2024. 


Port of Durban, South Africa

ICEYE Dwell Fine image sample dataset of the Port of Durban, South Africa


West Angelas Mine, Australia

ICEYE Dwell image sample dataset of the West Angelas Mine region, Australia


Panama Canal, Panama

The dataset includes one ICEYE's Scan mode image of the Panama Canal, Panama. The frame was taken on 7 February 2022, covering the entire Canal from the Pacific to the Atlantic, including ships on either side.


Tokyo Airport, Japan & Port Hedland, Australia

The dataset includes two Spot Extended Area images of the Tokyo Haneda Airport, Japan and Port Headland, Australia 225km2 scene each.


Rotterdam Port, Netherlands (daily coherent ground track repeat stack)

The dataset includes 3 Daily Coherent GTR images in Spot imaging mode of the Port of Rotterdam, Netherlands.


Coperland KS & Brawley, CA, US

The dataset includes subsets of 2 Strip images of Copeland, KS, USA & Brawley, CA, USA.


ICEYE imagery archive - 18,000 SAR satellite image thumbnails

Access the public archive of radar imagery previews acquired with the ICEYE SAR satellite constellation.