SAR applications

SAR data application studies from ICEYE


Case study - Dark vessels brought to light: Detecting oil trafficking from space

Discover how ICEYE SAR satellite data and Windward’s maritime AI enabled C4ADS to detect a likely ship-to-ship oil transfer under the cover of night.


Application study - Monitor any port, every day

Download our Application Study to learn how to use ICEYE SAR data to get actionable intelligence on port operations, anywhere in the world.


Application study - Monitor any strategic site, all the time

Download our Application Study to learn how to use ICEYE SAR data to obtain actionable insights on unusual concentration of aircraft, vehicles and equipment in any strategic site on the globe.


Application study - Monitor any forest in near real-time

Download our Application Study to learn how to use ICEYE SAR data to monitor deforestation anywhere in the world.


Application study - Protect your maritime borders

Download our Application Study to learn how to use ICEYE SAR data to counteract illegal human trafficking and smuggling in your maritime borders.


Application study - Detect and respond to oil spills

Download our Application Study to learn how to use ICEYE SAR data to detect oil spills anywhere in the world.