US, March 2023

Flooding in California, US, after atmospheric river hit in March 2023

Powered by multisource data analysis leveraging ICEYE satellite imagery ongoing analysis


Disclaimer: The impact numbers are subject to change as ICEYE continues to analyze the flood and extend the analysis area. Some areas which have been impacted by the flooding may not be represented in this initial data.

Live reporting

September 7, 2023


Live updates: Flash floods in California

Tracking since:

March 10

Area affected:


Total flood extent:

526 sq mi (1363,29 km2)

Average depth at building level :

1.157 ft (0,352 m)

March 24, 2023

The latest flood briefing is available

We have updated our Flood Briefing: the third version is now available for download. The briefing is based on our 9th flood analysis release and includes information on the number of buildings affected by floodwater in San Diego and San Juan Bautista.

March 23, 2023

Release 9 of ICEYE's flood analysis available now

Based on our recent analysis, the total number of impacted buildings in California has increased to 3200+. The majority of these buildings are in the West (1850+), followed by the Southeast (1140+) of California.Although we expect that this has been the final analysis of this flood, we will continue observing the event in the upcoming days and either produce a new release or stop monitoring, based on new data.

March 21, 2023

Our latest analysis is delivered to our customers

According to ICEYE's 8th analysis release, over 2900 buildings have been impacted by the flood water in California. To date, our team has mapped 460 sq mi of total flood extent across the state. We continue gathering data to enhance the flood analysis.

See 2 before-and-during animations of the flood extent and depth, both from our 8th release. 



March 20, 2023

Our 8th data release is in production

Over the weekend, we started producing the 8th release of our flood analysis as we collected more data that shows additional flooding. This latest release will be delivered to our customers within the next 24 hours. In the image below, you can see new and repeated AOIs combined. Green polygons represent AOIs that we analyzed previously, while the blue polygons illustrate areas that are repeated or newly added in release 8.


So far, the total count of impacted buildings is over 2400, based on ICEYE data. We continue to monitor the event in California and update the building count.


March 17, 2023

Flood briefing part 2) is available

The 2nd part of ICEYE's Flood Briefing is now available for download. The briefing is based on our 6th flood analysis release and includes initial information on the number of buildings affected by floodwater in San Diego and San Juan Bautista.


Our team is producing the 7th release of our analysis. 
In the image below, you can see new and repeated AOIs combined. Green polygons represent AOIs that we analyzed previously, while the blue polygons illustrate areas where we have new data to add to our analysis. 


image (2)-1


March 16, 2023

Flood briefing (part 1) is available

The 1st part of ICEYE's Flood Briefing is now available for download. The briefing is based on our 5th flood analysis release and includes initial information on the number of buildings affected by floodwater in Woodlake and Salinas.

Our team is producing the 6th release of our analysis. We have received new flood evidence from Los Angeles and San Diego regions and will be creating new AOIs for these areas. 

In the image below, you can see new and repeated AOIs combined. Green polygons represent AOIs that we analyzed previously, while the blue polygons illustrate areas where we have new data to add to our analysis. 


image (1)-1


March 15, 2023

Release 4 of Iceye flood analysis is available now

To date, our Flood Team has mapped over 700 square kilometers (270+ sq miles) of flood in California. Based on our data, at least 1.834 buildings have been impacted by the flooding. The next release of our analysis is now being produced and will include an updated number of buildings affected.


In the image above, you can see new and repeated AOIs combined. Green polygons represent AOIs that we analyzed previously, while the blue polygons illustrate areas where we have new data to add to our analysis. 

March 14, 2023

Our newest data release is in production

Our Flood Team is closely monitoring the floods in Central and Northern California. Combining the observed flood extent and depth data from ICEYE satellites with auxiliary data sources, we are working on a new data release with several new AOIs (areas of interest) and are updating some previous AOIs from our 3rd release.

image (38)


In the image above, you can see new and repeated AOIs combined. Green polygons represent AOIs that we analyzed previously, while the blue polygons illustrate areas where we have new data to add to our analysis.  

March 14, 2023

Release 3 of ICEYE flood analysis is available now

Based on our SAR satellite data and other auxiliary data sources, we have added 6 new AOIs (areas of interest) and updated some previous AOIs.

image (37)

In the image above, the green polygons represent the areas we covered in our 2nd release, while the blue polygons show the new areas covered in our 3rd data release. Overall, you can see new and repeated AOIs combined. 

March 13, 2023

Flood extent and depth for parts of Fresno, Monterey and Tulare counties, and the Central Coast region

As part of our 2nd analysis release with flood extent & depth for the California foods, we analyzed locations such as parts of the Central Coast region and Fresno, Monterey & Tulare Counties.

As more rain is expected this week, we continue monitoring the event closely. Watch out for more updates coming soon.

March 12, 2023

ICEYE Flood analysis: Release 2 delivered to our customers

Following our initial analysis on March 11, 2023, our 2nd release was produced and will be delivered to our customers by EOD US MT on March 12.

California Floods Release 1-2

We have added several new AOIs (areas of interest), as well as updated some previous AOIs from our first data release. The screengrab above shows the AOIs we analyzed in our first release in blue, and the version 2 AOIs are represented in green colour. The yellow areas are AOIs that are included as new for release 2.

March 12, 2023

ICEYE Flood analysis: Release 1 has been delivered

The first release of the Flood Insights product was delivered to our customers on March 11, 2023 by 23:00 UTC. Please note that our analysis of the flood situation is ongoing, and the information presented is subject to change.

March 11, 2023

ICEYE SAR imagery with signs of moderate flooding in Central California

We have captured flooded areas in San Benito & Monterey Counties as of March 10, 2023. As rain persists and floods have been observed in several parts of CA, our team has initiated a detailed flood analysis.




March 12, 2023

Start of "Atmospheric River" storm systems and early flood alert in California

Following several rounds of heavy snow, even down to lower elevations, California saw multiple rounds of warmer, "atmospheric river" storm systems from 10 March, 2023. With snow levels rising above 7,000 feet, this heavy rain led to rapid snowmelt and increased the risk of flooding.

2-3 inches of rainfall was measured across many locations, with localized areas of 10 inches observed. The warmer air and rainfall also aided in melting the abundant amounts of snow from previous storms. Flooding was observed near the coast both north and south of the San Francisco Bay Area. Significant river flooding from heavy rain and snowmelt runoff occurred along the Sierra Nevada foothills.

We've started the event monitoring utilizing the full capabilities of our constellation, with nearly three dozen images scheduled across the state.

Timeline of the flooding


Latest flood briefings

Explore our collection of near real-time flood mapping and analysis from across the globe.

August 2024


Hurricane Debby

Download ICEYE's flood briefing on the flooding from Hurricane Debby in August 2024.

July 2024


Hurricane Beryl

Download ICEYE's flood briefing on the flooding from Hurricane Beryl in July 2024.

July 2024


Flooding in Midwest US

Download ICEYE's flood briefing on the flooding in the Midwest US in July 2024.

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